
Musik: Alfred Reed

Artikelnummer: HL 04001884. Kategorien: , , ,


Musik: Alfred Reed

A Song of Remembrance

Giligia, A Song of Rememberance is a simply yet haunting melody whose lyrics speak of lost childhood, home and memories of the past, originally set by Gomidas as a solo song for voice and piano. In this recasting of the basic material as a work for full wind orchestra, both the melodic line and its accompanying harminies have been enlarged and developed in terms of an instrumental rather than purely vocal rendition, ranging in scope from the original conception of a solo singer recalling the past to a full-bodied choir of over a hundred voices extolling the beauties and glories of an emotionally rich life, and then fading away to a single voice again that dies away to a gentle murmuring background asw of a mist closing in on the singer and hiding him from view, but not from hearing.